Would you look at that yonder rising up from the plains?
It’s the Rockies, no doubt  in my mind.

And just over there, the Grand Canyon awaits.
Now that is one a hell of a find.

The broad Colorado winds out of the peaks
And flows through the heart of the West

Under endless blue sky that stretches to heaven
You can sure put your eyes to the test

Tumbleweeds roll cross the desert each day
They shimmer and dance in the heat

High up above, Eagles mate on the fly
And the smell of the sagebrush is sweet

In the Pinions and Junipers sit for awhile
Let your mind drift back a thousand years

To the time when the tribes lived and walked this great land
Their passing has caused countless tears

Up the mighty Missouri through wilderness deep
The Corps of Discovery’s path lay

Through the Gates of the Mountains they struggled ahead
Awestruck by wonders each day

The dust of west Texas and the green of the hills
Can call like a Siren’s sweet song

Beware of the Land of Enchantment my friends
You can linger there your whole life long

Through the Redwoods and gold fields and north up the coast
The journey is long but too fast

So return if you must to the place you call  home
But your sweet Western memories will last
