He packed both his saddles long before sunup
Made sure that his gear was lashed down
All that he owned was contained on the backs of
Two strong Morgans, both colored brown
He looked to the East as the sun showed it’s head
Looked East for perhaps the last time
Then he turned and gazed West where darkness still reigned
Set his jaw, for he’d made up his mind
As the small town still slumbered he picked up his gun
And mounted his horse slow and certain
One part of his life was now finished he thought
He imagined the rise of a curtain
As that curtain of sunlight brought mountains to life
He urged his mounts into the Plains
And he realized all he had known and had been
Lay behind him now nothing remained
He had nothing now but the new life ahead
And he had no clue what that would be
All he knew was that life was a fine thing indeed
And a fine thing it was to be free
Some of the townspeople knew he was gone
And some of them cared not at all
But some of them looked West with envious eyes
Maybe some day, they’d answer the call