Yup, it’s Holiday time in the land of the free
Like it is when the weather turns cold
Stores jammed with shoppers and lots jammed with cars
And loved ones come back to the fold
We think about goodies on our Christmas list
We gaze at the trees all aglow
We think about parties and stringing up lights
We hope there won’t be too much snow
And in all of the hubbub and dashing around
We sometimes lose sight of the fact
That this time of year’s special, as special can be
It’s got something the other months lack
It’s about peace and giving, not just about gifts
It’s about giving back to mankind
Put a smile on the face of someone you don’t know
That may be the best gift you’ll find
Battlefields have gone silent in conflicts long past
For a brief time those men were all brothers
So make sure you give love to all of your family
But save just a bit for the others
Save just a bit for the children who cry
As their mother’s hearts pray for some joy
What a wonderful thing it would be if just once
They could wake to a shiny new toy
Save a bit more for the man with a curse
Who struggles each day with temptation
And pray that this year he can shake off the bonds
And at last live in peace and salvation
If you reach down you might be surprised at how much
You have to give back deep inside
This is the time that we need to shake off
All our squabbles, and ego, and pride
Now save just a bit of that love if you can
For the 26th day of December
And next year, give some out the day after that
If you try hard you’ll probably remember
And if we could do that each holiday season
Pretty soon before you all know it
We’ll be spreading out love and peace all year long
Why wait until Christmas to show it?