“Dadgum it”, he hollered. “They’re makin a change”
“And I don’t think I like it one bit”
“They keep makin changes without askin me”
And I watched as he threw a dang fit
He moaned about one thing, then whined a bit more
Said he’d pack all his guns and not play
I turned off my computer and wandered outside
I was met by a glorious day
Some folks get the drizzlies real quick it sure seems
Some folks you just can't please at all
They post about how things are goin all wrong
And they post constantly “What’s the call?”
They complain about Gamers and stages they hate
They complain about somebody’s clothes
They get vocal and say things quite rudely sometimes
And they point out things everyone knows
So I walked up the canyon and sat on a rock
And watched the sun shine through the trees
I could see the Blue Mountains ‘bout 40 miles off
And some Junipers swayed in the breeze
And I thought about just what I like about SASS
How it takes me back so many years
To the time life was simple, no worries or cares
Little cowpokes don’t have many fears
I thought about all the fine folks I have met
And the laughs that we’ve shared now and then
I remembered the dumb things I’d done at some shoots
Couldn’t help but break out in a grin
I thought of the good ones who’ve passed recently
Like Longshot and old Boston John
They’d both laugh at the hootin and hollerin here
They’d probably say “Just move on”
After sittin and thinkin (okay, dozin a bit)
I decided that this game’s a hoot
So whatever transpires with the rules and so forth
I reckon I’ll show up to shoot