Snow on the rooftop snow on the ground
Seems like there’s nothing but snow all around
I reckon it started near 3 months ago
And I reckon theres two more to go

Sometimes in the morning the sun comes up bright
But long before noon it looks just like night
The clouds start to spewin that white fluffy stuff
I think I’ve about had enough

Every few weeks or so we’ll get a nice break
The snow turns from drifts into nice little lakes
And just when you think that the Winter will end
It starts up a snowin again

Watching TV by the warm crackling fire
Turn the Open Range volume up just a tad higher
On the satellite dish then the snow builds up thick
And I head on outside with my stick

Standing in snow dang near up to my waist
And knock the dish clear with my stick in great haste
I dash back inside, pour hot joe from the spout
And then the dang power goes out

Next morning I slip and slide down to the shed
“Do some reloading”, I sez in my head
But the UPS guy can’t get up the road
So I got no more bullets to load

Fire up the snowthrower and head for the drive
And plow till I’m really not sure I’m alive
Come back in look out the window and then
I see it start snowin again

So I start the computer and get on The Wire
As I read all the threads my frustration gets higher
So excuse me if I seem more nuts than I should
Cabin Fever’s got a hold of me good

Cabin Fever